Blog Articles

5 Ways to Still Enjoy Your Meals When You Have a Food Allergy

5 Ways to Still Enjoy Your Meals When You Have a Food Allergy

Living with a food allergy doesn’t mean you have to eat boring, bland food. With the right strategies and mindset, you can still savor delicious and satisfying meals. Here are five ways to enjoy meals even when you have a food allergy.
Jul 8th, 2024

Help! My Child Broke Out In Hives

When your child develops raised, red, and itchy welts out of nowhere, it can be alarming. Take a moment to understand what may be causing your child to break out in hives, and what you can do to manage symptoms and future incidents.
Jun 19th, 2024
Our Favorite Ways to Make Your Home Allergen-Free

Our Favorite Ways to Make Your Home Allergen-Free

If you and your family are prone to allergies, rest assured you can create an allergen-free home with the right strategies. By implementing the following tips, you can create a healthier indoor environment for you and your family to enjoy.
May 2nd, 2024

Recognizing Food Allergy Signs in Babies and Toddlers

Recognizing the signs of food allergies in babies and toddlers can minimize the risk of severe reactions and ensure the well-being of your little one. Take a moment to learn when you should suspect your child has a food allergy.
Apr 4th, 2024
Myths and Facts About Allergy Shots

Myths and Facts About Allergy Shots

Allergy shots stand out as a long-term solution when it comes to persistent allergies. If you’re considering the treatment, don’t get misled by any myths you may have heard about allergy shots. Instead, learn the facts on their effectiveness.
Mar 2nd, 2024
Helping Your Active Teen Manage Their Asthma

Helping Your Active Teen Manage Their Asthma

An active teen can successfully manage an asthma diagnosis and still live a full and vibrant life. Learn how you can support them in sports and social activities while helping them manage their asthma along the way.
Feb 2nd, 2024
5 Common Signs of a Dairy Allergy

5 Common Signs of a Dairy Allergy

Are you wondering whether you or a loved one is allergic to dairy? Look for these five common signs to determine if you should be tested. 
Dec 14th, 2023

What to Do About Early Signs of Asthma

Asthma typically begins in childhood, but not always. Anyone of any age can experience the early signs of asthma. If you or a loved one suspects asthma, set up an evaluation right away. Early detection is important in managing the condition.
Nov 1st, 2023
How Are Allergy Shots Different From Medications?

How Are Allergy Shots Different From Medications?

Allergies can cause minor irritation or severe symptoms. If you need help controlling allergy symptoms, you have many choices in treatment. Take a moment to learn the differences between medications and allergy shots, also called immunotherapy.
Oct 2nd, 2023
6 Medications That Help Eczema Symptoms

6 Medications That Help Eczema Symptoms

If you or a loved one struggles with the inflammation and itching of eczema, relief is possible. Take a moment to learn about six medications that can help you take control of eczema symptoms.
Sep 7th, 2023
 My Allergies Are Getting Worse — Should I Try Immunotherapy?

My Allergies Are Getting Worse — Should I Try Immunotherapy?

If you've been struggling with worsening allergy symptoms, immunotherapy could be the effective solution you've been seeking. Take a moment to learn how this innovative treatment can alleviate your allergies and improve your quality of life.
Aug 2nd, 2023
4 Common Myths About Food Allergies

4 Common Myths About Food Allergies

Food allergies affect millions of people, so it’s important to know the facts about triggers and symptoms. Take a moment to dispel some common myths about food allergies.
Jul 10th, 2023
3 Causes of Hives — and How to Prevent Them

3 Causes of Hives — and How to Prevent Them

Hives are itchy, red, and sometimes swollen patches that develop on your skin. They can appear suddenly — so suddenly, in fact, that you can’t even figure out what caused them. Here are three primary causes of hives and what to do about them.
May 10th, 2023
Does Hypoallergenic Bedding Work?

Does Hypoallergenic Bedding Work?

When you have allergies, it’s an ongoing effort to limit your exposure to your particular allergens — and some of the most common allergens are found in bedrooms. Can hypoallergenic bedding help? It depends.
Apr 5th, 2023
Understanding the Different Types of Allergy Testing

Understanding the Different Types of Allergy Testing

Millions of Americans deal with allergies, but not everyone knows exactly what allergens bother them the most. That starts with allergy testing. Read on to learn more about the types of allergy testing and how testing helps shape your treatment plan.
Feb 15th, 2023
4 Ways to Treat Your Chronic Hives

4 Ways to Treat Your Chronic Hives

If you have chronic hives, you already know about the itching that usually accompanies them. Learn how to treat chronic hives here.
Dec 5th, 2022
Home Solutions for Managing Your Asthma

Home Solutions for Managing Your Asthma

Even those who have had asthma for years can be taken by surprise at how swiftly an attack can strike. Learn how to identify your triggers and create a plan for at-home management.
Nov 1st, 2022
Understanding the Most Common Food Allergies

Understanding the Most Common Food Allergies

Allergic reactions to food occur when your immune system sees any food as harmful to your body. Knowing the most common food allergies can help you detect what foods to cut out of your diet and be on the lookout to avoid ingesting.
Oct 5th, 2022
Why Am I Allergic to My Dog?

Why Am I Allergic to My Dog?

Pet allergies may be a common problem, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up your furry friend. Instead, understanding what causes your reaction can help you find ways to happily coexist. Keep reading to learn more.
Aug 1st, 2022
Common Eczema Triggers and How to Avoid Them

Common Eczema Triggers and How to Avoid Them

It’s not just itchy. Eczema is a frustrating and embarrassing problem that can be hard to manage on your own. That's where we come in. Get expert advice on how to identify and avoid common eczema triggers.
Jul 14th, 2022
Can Asthma Develop in Adulthood?

Can Asthma Develop in Adulthood?

Asthma can develop at any time in life; it’s not a diagnosis limited to children. Continued exposure to airborne allergens or allergens at work may be to blame. Here’s what to know about adult-onset asthma.
Jun 29th, 2022
How to Introduce Potential Food Allergies to Your Baby

How to Introduce Potential Food Allergies to Your Baby

Your baby is six months old. You’re ready to switch from the breast or bottle to solid foods. But you’re nervous. Whether you have food allergies yourself or not, you know they’re common and could affect your baby. What do you do?
May 1st, 2022
Why Skin Testing Is the Best Form of Allergy Testing

Why Skin Testing Is the Best Form of Allergy Testing

Allergies can be unpleasant, whether they come and go or remain throughout the year. Doctors can order a series of tests to determine your triggers and help you find the best relief. Here’s why skin testing is considered the best form of allergy testing.
Apr 1st, 2022
4 Telltale Signs that Your Rash is Eczema

4 Telltale Signs that Your Rash is Eczema

Could the rash that’s been irritating your skin be eczema? Here are some telltale signs and symptoms of eczema to watch out for, and treatment options that can give you relief.
Mar 1st, 2022
Can Asthma Be Cured?

Can Asthma Be Cured?

An asthma attack can be a frightening experience for anyone. Learn more about this chronic lung disease and what you can do to prevent unexpected asthma attacks.
Jan 9th, 2022
What's Triggering My Hives?

What's Triggering My Hives?

Hives can feel like a perplexing problem when you aren’t sure what is triggering your symptoms. Learning about the most common triggers may help you solve that puzzle. You can live a better life with hives. Learn how.
Dec 8th, 2021
Choosing the Right Immunotherapy for You

Choosing the Right Immunotherapy for You

Tired of sneezing or dealing with itchy, watery eyes? Unmanaged allergies can be quite bothersome and infringe on your quality of life. Find out how immunotherapy can provide allergy relief and which type is right for you.
Nov 19th, 2021
The Danger of Food Allergies Going Untreated

The Danger of Food Allergies Going Untreated

If you have mild food allergies, is it okay to leave them untreated? Not necessarily. Food allergies can be unpredictable. Continue reading to learn about the common food allergy symptoms and the dangers of leaving them untreated.
Oct 19th, 2021
Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ignore Eczema

Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ignore Eczema

Eczema is common — and for that reason, a lot of people think it’s OK to put off seeing a doctor for treatment. But delaying care can increase your risk of some serious complications. Plus, seeing a doctor is the best way to feel better fast.
Aug 4th, 2021

How Do I Know What I’m Allergic To?

Allergic reactions can range from annoying, such as a runny nose, to life-threatening. If you have allergies, but you don’t know what you’re allergic to, testing is the only way to identify the triggers. Click the link to learn more!
Jul 4th, 2021

A Closer Look at Allergy Shots

If you struggle with allergies, allergy shots may be able to give you lasting relief. Here’s what you should know about this type of immunotherapy and how it works.
Jun 13th, 2021

Tips for Managing Asthma During the Summer Months

Hot temperatures, poor air quality, high pollen counts, and plenty of activity are all key ingredients of a typical summer. If you are asthmatic, though, these could trigger attacks. Follow these tips to reduce the risk.
May 4th, 2021

Stinging Insect Allergies: Get the Facts

Getting stung by an insect is never pleasant. But if you’re allergic, it can be outright dangerous. Here’s how to identify a stinging insect allergy — and what you can do about it.
Apr 6th, 2021

What People with Asthma Need to Know About COVID-19

Asthma is a common problem in the United States. But having it can put you at a higher risk for developing health complications from COVID-19. Read on to learn more about these conditions and how you can protect yourself.
Mar 8th, 2021

What Is Immunotherapy, and Can It Cure My Allergies?

If you’re one of the millions of Americans who suffer from allergies, you might be desperate for a cure. While there’s no cure, immunotherapy, sometimes called allergy shots, can eliminate your symptoms — the next best thing to a cure. Read on to find out.
Feb 15th, 2021