6 Medications That Help Eczema Symptoms

6 Medications That Help Eczema Symptoms

More than 31 million people in the United States struggle with eczema. This condition causes itchy, inflamed skin that seriously interferes with your quality of life. While avoiding your triggers and taking impeccable care of your skin can help, your symptoms may still flare up. 

There is no cure for eczema, but several medications can help manage your symptoms and provide you with much-needed relief. Here at Regional Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Center, we help people in Kingsport and Johnson City, Tennessee, and Abingdon, Virginia, learn to live with eczema and assist them in controlling their symptoms. 

Learn about six medications that can effectively alleviate eczema symptoms, allowing you to regain control over your skin health.

Topical steroids

Topical steroids are often the first line of defense against eczema symptoms. These creams or ointments work by reducing inflammation, redness, and itching. They come in various strengths and can be prescribed based on the severity of your condition. 

It's crucial to follow our instructions for usage to prevent potential side effects that could develop from prolonged use.

Topical calcineurin inhibitors

Calcineurin inhibitors, such as tacrolimus and pimecrolimus, are another class of topical medications. They help manage eczema symptoms by targeting the immune response responsible for inflammation. They halt certain immune system cells from activating and causing eczema symptoms. 

These medications are particularly useful for sensitive areas like the face and around the eyes.


Antihistamines, which are commonly used to treat allergies, can also provide relief from eczema symptoms. While they won't directly treat the underlying cause of eczema, they can help alleviate itching and discomfort, making them a valuable addition to your eczema management routine.

Systemic medications

For more severe cases of eczema, we may prescribe systemic medications like corticosteroids or immunosuppressants. These medications are taken orally or by injection and work to control the immune response and reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Examples of systemic medications include methotrexate, which in dermatology is most often used to treat psoriasis. It’s a chemotherapy agent, so it’s reserved for serious cases of eczema.

Moisturizers and emollients

While they’re not medications in the traditional sense, moisturizers and emollients play a vital role in managing eczema. Using these products regularly keeps the skin hydrated, preventing flare-ups and minimizing itching. Look for products that are fragrance-free and suitable for sensitive skin.

It’s especially important to apply moisturizers after a bath. It helps lock in the moisture that your skin absorbs during the bath, preventing dryness and reducing the risk of eczema flare-ups. We can recommend brands that are best for your case. 


Biologic medications are a newer addition to the eczema treatment landscape. They target specific immune pathways that are involved in eczema and can provide relief for those who haven't responded well to other treatments. 

Biologics are typically prescribed for moderate to severe eczema and are administered via injection.

If you're struggling with eczema symptoms, remember that relief is possible. Reach out to Regional Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Center to learn about the treatments available to you. Call our office or send us a message here on our website to book an appointment.

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