Helping Your Active Teen Manage Their Asthma

Helping Your Active Teen Manage Their Asthma

If your child is 12-17 years old and one of the more than 2 million in that age group who have asthma, you want to support them in living a full life. 

For teens who are managing asthma, a lifestyle full of social engagements and school sports or other extracurricular activities can pose challenges. But with the right strategies, they can thrive.

Here at Regional Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Center, we help you help your teen in effectively managing their asthma so they can pursue their passions without compromising their health.

Educate your teen

It’s important that your teen understands their asthma diagnosis. They should be aware of their personal triggers, symptoms of a possible asthma attack, and how to adhere to their prescribed treatment plan. Through education, you empower them to take control of their health.

Communicate clearly

Enter into tough conversations about how their asthma may impact some of their favorite activities. Encourage your teen to express their concerns about challenges that may arise due to asthma. They need to understand the severity of their illness. 

By talking through their fears and concerns, you can come up with solutions together.

Encourage proper medication use

Emphasize the importance of consistently taking their prescribed medications, even when symptoms are not present. By adhering to their treatment plan, your teen can possibly prevent asthma attacks during physical activities.

Create an action plan

We work with you and your teen to develop a personalized asthma action plan. This plan outlines the steps to take when your teen experiences a flare-up or is faced with a triggering situation. 

Remind your teen to prepare for activity

Your teen and, if relevant, their coaches should know that a proper warm-up before activity is essential. It helps prepare their lungs for exercise and reduces the risk of asthma symptoms occurring during or after exercise. 

Choose asthma-friendly exercises

If possible, encourage your teen to participate in sports that are less likely to trigger asthma symptoms. These include swimming, walking, or biking. Activities that are gentler on the respiratory system are less likely to lead to an attack.

Teach them to self-monitor

Teach your teen to recognize early signs of worsening symptoms and to monitor their peak air flow regularly. This self-awareness enables them to use their inhaler, rest, and regain control of their breathing before an emergency occurs.

Prepare them for an emergency

Make sure your teen knows how to use their rescue inhaler and understands when and how to seek help in case of an emergency. This helps them feel confident when participating in activities. 

Schedule regular check-ups

Regular check-ups at Regional Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Center provide an opportunity for us to assess your teen's asthma management plan and make any necessary adjustments.

Don't hesitate to ask questions during appointments. We help you understand what your teen can and can’t do with their asthma diagnosis. 

By working closely with Regional Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Center, you can help your child enjoy their teenage years despite having asthma.

Call our nearest office or send us a message here on our website to book your visit. We have offices in Kingsport and Johnson City, Tennessee, and Abingdon, Virginia. 

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