Don’t Suffer Through Spring Allergy Season: Get Relief With Immunotherapy

Don’t Suffer Through Spring Allergy Season: Get Relief With Immunotherapy

When spring allergies strike,  itchy eyes, sneezing, coughing, and a runny nose can make life miserable. Avoiding seasonal allergy triggers is not always possible, and medications can make you drowsy or dizzy. The answer: Immunotherapy. This innovative treatment provides long-lasting results without unwanted side effects.

Immunotherapy works with your body’s immune system to slowly and safely help you develop a tolerance to your allergy triggers.

At Regional Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Center, our specialists are experts in treating patients with immunotherapy. Here they break down how it works.

Immunotherapy in action

The goal of immunotherapy is to decrease your body’s sensitivity to allergens. Immunotherapy injections or drops are created for you based on your specific allergy triggers and then introduced to your body in a controlled manner. Over time, your dose increases, and your tolerance to the allergen grows. 

Immunotherapy is an effective treatment for several types of allergy triggers, including:

Research backs up the highly effective results of Immunotherapy, especially when it comes to seasonal allergies. Immunotherapy also reduces the inflammation seen in asthma, a condition that can be triggered or exacerbated by allergies.

The two stages of immunotherapy

After allergy testing is done to identify your triggers, immunotherapy treatment is done in two steps. 

You receive small amounts of customized immunotherapy serum once or twice weekly during the initial stage or buildup phase. Your body may have mild reactions to the serum during this stage, but they fade as your tolerance to the allergens grow. The buildup phase of immunotherapy lasts three to six months.

After your body has reached an effective dose of allergy serum, the maintenance phase of immunotherapy treatment begins. In this stage, the serum is introduced to your body less frequently. The maintenance phase lasts three to five years or until your body has developed a permanent resistance to your allergy triggers.

The benefits of immunotherapy

While immunotherapy treatment can be a commitment because of the time involved, if you choose to come to the doctor’s office for shots, it’s a safe and natural option for permanent allergy relief. Not only does it help bolster your immune system and reduce the chances of new allergies developing, but it’s also a safer alternative than long-term medication use. 

Immunotherapy also has few side effects, with most people experiencing mild redness and swelling at the injection site. This makes it safe for all ages, even children as young as five years of age through seniors. 

Regional Allergy Asthma & Immunology Center specialists can help if you suffer from allergies. We have offices in Kingsport, Johnson City, Tennessee, and Abingdon, Virginia. Call to book your consultation today 

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