What to Expect From Your Custom Food Allergy Treatment Plan

What to Expect From Your Custom Food Allergy Treatment Plan

Food allergies are fairly common allergies; an estimated 8% of school-aged children in the US have some type of food allergy, but food allergy issues can easily follow you into adulthood. With so many food products on the market, food allergies can sneak up on you, causing a potentially dangerous reaction. 

To protect your health, you should have a plan in place to help you in case your food allergies flare up. The caring professionals at Regional Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Center, with offices in Kingsport and Johnson City, Tennessee, and Abingdon, Virginia are led by Shailee Madhok, MD. Dr. Madhok is a world-renowned, board-certified specialist in pediatric asthma, allergy, and immunology and is ready to help you manage your food allergies with a plan.  

What are food allergies?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, food allergies are your body’s specific and reproducible response to certain foods. Like any allergy, a food allergy happens when your body mistakes a common protein as a threat to your health. This makes your immune system release histamines, which then cause inflammation. The symptoms of food allergies range from uncomfortable to life-threatening. 

The most common food allergies include dairy, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, shellfish, wheat, and soy. You’re most likely to have or develop food allergies if you have other allergies, like an allergy to pollen and ragweed. Children, people living with asthma, and people whose parents or grandparents have food allergies are at elevated risk of experiencing food allergy symptoms. 

If you’re living with food allergies, you may already know how it feels when you come in contact with an allergen. If you don’t, the most common symptoms of food allergies include:

Anaphylaxis is a rare, but serious, allergic reaction to food and some environmental allergies. Anaphylaxis is the body’s shock response to an allergen, characterized by a narrowing of the throat, impairing the ability to breathe. People at risk for this reaction should be armed at all times with an emergency epinephrine pen. 

What do I do if I have food allergies?

Living with food allergies is hardly the end of your lifelong food adventure. Your provider at Regional Allergy Asthma & Immunology Center is here to help you plan for the worst while you’re living your best life. 

If you’re living with food allergies, it’s important for us to understand the whole of your allergies, even non-food-related allergies. Once we’ve completed the necessary testing, we’ll better understand how to help you. 

To manage your food allergies, we’ll evaluate your test results to see the types and severity of your allergies. We discuss with you the best ways for you to avoid the allergens that are dangerous to you and what to do if you have a dangerous allergy flare-up. With you, we design a nutritional plan, a medication regimen, and a daily self-care plan to keep you as healthy as possible. 

Do I still need to exercise on this diet?

Exercise and good nutrition are essential to everyone’s health, whether they’re living with food allergies or not. If you have questions about the best types of exercise for you or live with exercise-induced asthma, we can help you safely and easily manage your allergies and asthma. Elevate your self care by calling one of our offices or booking an appointment with us online. 

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